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”These were hard times for Skanderbeg, but he had an ally, the Hungarian Hunyadi”

3.900 Ft
Cikkszám: 978-963-416-184-4
Elérhetőség: RENDELHETŐ

Leírás és Paraméterek

It is of inestimable significance for Albanian studies in Hungary that the Hungarian Academy of Sciences has had the oppurtinity to produce and publish the present book which constitutes a major contribution towards enabling this book to serve as a kind of third volume of Illyrisch–Albanische Forschungen (1916).
Altough there has been no organized Albanian research in Hungary, the chapters in this book clearly demonstrate that researches well versed in the various historical periods have engaged in a joint investigation of the Albanian–Hungarian past. The studies reveal new research findings, many of which will cause a sensation in the world of Albanian studies.
The book is a distillation of contemporary Hungarian work on Albanian studies and also a salute by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to the joint Albanian–Hungarian and Austro–Hungarian past.

Műfaj történettudomány
ISBN 978-963-416-184-4
ISSN 2676-914X
Alcím Episodes in Albanian–Hungarian Historical Contacts
Sorozat Acta Balcano–Hungarica 1.
Szerkesztő Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics
Kiadó MTA BTK Történettudományi Intézet
Kiadás éve 2019
Kötés típusa Keménytáblás
Oldalszám 340
Nyelv angol
Méret B5 165 x 235
Tömeg 780 g